I have had many opportunities to learn to be a good teacher over the years, for which I am very grateful!
At Columbia University:
- PHYS GR6010: Physical Cosmology (Fall 2022, Grader + Office Hours)
- ASTR UN3273: High-Energy Astrophysics (Spring 2022, TA + guest lecture)
- ASTR UN1903: Astronomy Lab I (Fall 2021, Instructor)
- ASTR UN1610: Theories of the Universe: From Babylon to the Big Bang (Summer 2021, TA)
- ASTRX BC1754: Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology (Spring 2021, TA)
- ASTR UN1404: Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology (Fall 2020, TA)
Pedagogy workshops:
- Essentials of Teaching and Learning: Inclusive teaching, Designing Learning Objectives, Active Learning, Assessment and Feedback
At Colgate University:
- PHYS 336: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity (Spring 2019, tutor)
- PHYS 131: Atoms and Waves (Fall 2017, Fall 2018, tutor)
- ASTR 220: Deciphering the Sky (Fall 2018, tutor and TA)